Haunting Sounds May Indicate a Water Heater in Need of Repair!

Halloween is right around the corner, which means many homeowners and their families will be gearing up for typical Halloween mischief. Maybe even the ghost and goblins will make an appearance… But one area that should not be confused with a ghost is the home water heater.

That’s right – home water heaters can make a variety of different sounds that may signal a potential issue(s). Homeowners and their families should keep their ears open for such signs so that they can call a professional water service for help.

Key Sounds to Beware Of

Hissing and Screeching

First off, hissing and screeching from the water heater may signal issues that need to be resolved. Hissing, for one, may mean that there is a leak or fracture present in the tank. The hissing results if there is a way for the water to leak out while it is heating, and the contact between the water and hot surfaces can result in hissing.

On the other hand, screeching may signal that there is a valve that is not opening all the way. Restriction to the valve means that the water itself is restricted and cannot properly flow through, which results in a screech-like sound. One should take both of these sounds very seriously.

Cracking, Popping, or Rumbling

Cracking, popping, or rumbling may also signal potential issues that may require water heater repairs. These sounds often arise due to sediment buildup in the tank. Sediment buildup is a slow and steady process that can become a significant issue if not addressed as soon as possible. It can lead to discolored water, poor water quality, and overheating, among other things.

One of the easiest ways to address this is by getting regular water heater maintenance checks. Doing these roughly annually will ensure that the water heater tank operates at maximum efficiency and without issue. Professionals will usually “flush out” the sediment built up in the tank to prevent it from becoming a problem.

Humming or Ticking

Humming or ticking are the final categories of sounds that homeowners should look out for. Humming often results if there is a loose heating element. When the heating process begins, this loose element can cause a humming sound during operation. The sound can be relatively quiet or relatively loud, depending on how loose the element is.

As for ticking, this can often result due to an issue with the heat traps or check valves. The heat trap is a component of the water heater system that can make a ticking sound during heat expansion. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, but it is something to listen for. Check valves are similar to heat traps and can also make light ticking sounds during normal operation. Homeowners should consult a professional if the ticking becomes constant to provide advice on whether a replacement makes sense.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. of Round Rock, TX is a family-owned and operated company providing quality solutions since 2009. With the belief that “your safety and satisfaction is our #1 priority,” they provide flat-rate pricing, fast turnarounds, and 100% satisfaction guaranteed for every one of their customers. Call them for water heater help today!

The Top 3 Signs Your Home Needs a Water Softener

Do You Have Hard Water?

A home’s water is the lifeblood of the home. The water that people drink, bathe in, and cook with can decide the health of those in the home. But even if the water in the home isn’t dangerous to drink, bathe in, or cook with, it can still have some detrimental effects on the home. This is the case with hard water. This kind of water is rich in minerals – usually calcium and magnesium.

And although it’s impossible to look at the water itself and tell whether it’s hard or soft, there are many ways homeowners can tell if they have hard water in the home.

Visible Proof

Although homeowners can’t look at the water itself to tell if it’s hard or not, they can look at where the water has been. Hard water leaves behind visible proof that’s usually easy to see. This is because some of the minerals are often left behind when the water dries. So one sure sign that a home has hard water is the white, chalky deposits left behind on faucets and in sinks.

Hard water also has difficulty dissolving soap and shampoo. The result is that soap scum is an issue in tubs and showers. The quicker soap scum builds up, the more minerals are likely in the water. This same issue causes the dishes to dry with white spots on them. Plus, doing laundry with hard water makes it difficult to get the clothes truly clean, meaning they often come out of the wash looking dingy and dirty.

Hard Water Feels Different

Hard water doesn’t only affect dishes, basins, and clothes. It also affects skin and hair. After showing in hard water, people often feel as if they haven’t been able to get their soap and shampoo fully rinsed away.

The high mineral content in the water can also leave the skin feeling dry and itchy. The hair also suffers, often losing its luster and looking lifeless.

How Hard Water Effects Pipes

While hard water doesn’t pose any health risks to those who drink it or bathe in it, there’s no doubt that it can negatively affect the health of the plumbing system. As homeowners may suspect, hard water can cause mineral buildup in pipes. Unfortunately, these buildups can have a detrimental effect on the plumbing system, causing low water pressure and clogs. The only way to fix these mineral buildups is to replace the pipes, which can be quite expensive.

Homeowners that suspect they have hard water should talk to a professional plumber about installing a water softener in their house. These softeners can save appliances, pipes, and skin, preventing expensive issues in the future.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has served Round Rock, TX, since 2009. They offer fast turnarounds and expert workmanship. They also provide flat-rate pricing and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call today for water softener installation!

Back to School: Plumbing 101

Get Familiar With Your Home Plumbing System

The plumbing system can be a complicated maze of pipes, valves, and plumbing fixtures. But the good news is that plumbing problems are usually easy to fix! This blog post will tackle the basics of plumbing systems, so homeowners know what to do when they find themselves with a clogged drain or toilet – but don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it sounds! It’ll also give a refresher course on the basics of household plumbing, just in case plumbing emergencies crop up!

Where Does Water Come From? Where Does It Go?

Water comes into the home from the city’s water system. This water has been cleaned and is (in most places) safe to drink. The plumbing system is designed so that wastewater and gray water flow out of the house through pipes and plumbing fixtures, back into the city’s sewer system, which is eventually treated and then put back into circulation.

Water can also come from a well or other sources not regulated by the government. This type of water may be unsafe to consume without being treated first because it hasn’t been checked for contaminants. In these cases, it\’s generally up to the homeowner to test and treat the water if need be. But, for most people, water comes from the municipal plumbing system.

Common Plumbing Fixtures

There are common plumbing fixtures found inside and outside of the home. These include faucets, shower heads, toilets, hose bibs, and bathtubs. Faucets are the household fixture used to turn on or off water flow from a house\’s plumbing system. They can be found in kitchens, bathrooms, washer rooms, and garages.

These fixtures are connected to pipes attached to the main water line that brings water into the house. The pressure of this water is what allows the simple turn of a handle to release water. This pressure is always there, pushing water against the various fixtures until they open. Each type of fixture is different, and the most common issue with any fixture is leaking. But the most common household plumbing issue of all is a drain clog.

How Important Is Drain Cleaning?

Drain cleaning is important for the overall health of a home\’s plumbing system. Without regular drain cleaning, a clog can build up and cause plumbing problems. And while clogs are the most common issue, an unclean drain can eventually cause a pipe to burst, which can cause thousands of dollars in damage to the home.

Clogs happen because buildup from hair, soap scum, cooking grease, food matter, minerals, and other materials get stuck on the sides of plumbing pipes inside the home. Often when the water can’t flow through the plumbing pipes and into the sewers, it backs up into sinks and toilets. Not only is this unpleasant, but it’s also bad for the health of the plumbing system. This is why it\’s a good idea to have professional plumbers clean a home’s drains every year or two.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has been serving Round Rock, TX since 2009. They offer on-time arrivals and no-hassle service. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every job. Contact them for reliable and honest plumbing services.

Patriotic Plumbing Facts To Help You Celebrate Independence Day!

Were You Aware of These Real (and Fun) Plumbing Facts?

Plumbing has come a long way since humans invented its earliest forms many centuries ago. From the most basic irrigation and sanitation systems of ancient times to the vast infrastructures and “smart” fixtures of today, plumbing technology has seen many changes. And though it’s a relatively young nation, America has been home to some of the most incredible and groundbreaking of those changes.
So to commemorate Independence Day, here are some fascinating plumbing facts from America’s past – and a few from the present to illustrate how far things have come.

Great Moments in American History: Plumbing Edition

One great advancement in plumbing came in 1829 when an architect named Isaiah Rogers designed the first hotel with indoor plumbing in Boston. The hotel, called the Tremont House, featured a rooftop storage tank fed by a steam-powered pump. Once in the tank, water could be delivered via a network of pipes to taps, baths, and toilets (then called water closets), using nothing but gravity.
The Tremont was ahead of its time – even the White House didn’t get running water until 1833 and didn’t get a flush toilet until Millard Fillmore’s term nearly 20 years after that. President Fillmore also reportedly ordered improvements to the plumbing systems in the residential quarters. Another major innovation came in 1857 when an American inventor named Joseph Gayetty marketed the first commercial toilet paper – though it was initially sold as a medicated anti-hemorrhoid product with aloe.

All About Toilets

Though America has seen plenty of toilet innovations, flushable toilets were around in some forms before America was even a nation. Funnily enough, the first patent for a flush toilet was filed in the UK in 1775, just a year before signing the Declaration of Independence.
But today, America is one of the leaders in terms of sanitation systems and widespread toilet access. In many parts of the world, televisions and mobile phones are in higher abundance than toilets. It’s even estimated that 2.5 billion people worldwide don’t have access to proper toilets. This 4th of July is a perfect opportunity to celebrate such a basic necessity that’s so easy to take for granted.

More Plumbing Fixture Facts

America’s abundance of toilets and excellent sanitation systems aren’t the only plumbing advancements to be grateful for, however. Lead poisoning used to be a fairly common occurrence due to the lead pipes used for water supply lines throughout the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. Lead has since been banned and replaced with copper, steel, or PEX piping – in fact, in the last 60 years, over 28 billion feet of copper piping has been installed in America.
Irrigation systems have also come a long way. The first modern-style sprinkler was patented in 1871 by an American inventor named Joseph Lessler. In 1932, a citrus farmer in California named Orton Englehart created the impact sprinkler – the design still used for many lawn sprinkler heads today, to the delight of playful children in backyards all over the country!
Plumbing has also become more environmentally friendly. Older toilets use around 6 gallons of water with each flush, while new low-flush models use only 1.28 gallons. Since toilets account for about 30 percent of the average home’s water usage, that’s a big impact. Water-saving faucets and shower heads can also save tens of thousands of gallons every year. But despite these advancements, household water leaks still waste around 1 trillion gallons of water in America every year. So it’s crucial not to let any leak wait, no matter how small!

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has been serving Round Rock, TX for years. As a family-owned and operated small business, they have earned numerous awards and 5-star reviews with their honesty and superior service. They offer flat-rate pricing, financing, and membership perks. Call now for plumbing service!

Plumbing Problems and Plumbing Emergencies: What’s the Difference?

Know the Difference Between Important and Urgent

Being able to gauge a plumbing problem is vital for any homeowner. Unfortunately, plumbing issues are a part of life, and they will happen at some time or another. And the way homeowners react to the problems can de-escalate the issue and get it under control, or it can make the problem worse.
This is why telling the difference between a problem and an emergency is so important. A problem can often be solved by the homeowner, whereas an emergency will likely need the assistance of a professional plumber. So, read on to find out how to tell the difference between urgent and important plumbing problems.

Urgent: Busted or Broken Pipe

There are many reasons for a pipe to break or bust open. Too-high water pressure, old pipes, extreme temperatures, and poor installation are just a few causes. And, since most pipes in the home are hidden from sight, it can be hard to tell when one of them has broken or developed a pinhole leak. The main thing to look for is wet spots on the wall, ceiling, or even the floor. If there’s no apparent cause for these wet spots, it’s time to take action.
The first thing homeowners should do in the event of a broken or busted pipe is treat it like an emergency. Putting it off can cause extensive damage that one could have avoided. Turning off the water in the home is essential. Once this is done, it’s time to call a professional plumber for help with the emergency.

Important: Clogged Toilet or Drain

Toilet clogs happen from time to time. The same can be said for drain clogs. Both are simply essential problems that don’t often require professional help. For a clogged toilet, homeowners should try the plunger first to see if they can fix the issue. If the plunger doesn’t work, it may be time to try a plumber’s snake, a tool that is available at home improvement stores everywhere.
Clogged drains can be addressed safely by the homeowner using vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. Sometimes simply pouring hot water down the drain is enough to clear the clog. That said, if the drain or toilet does not become unclogged, it may be time to call in some help. But, again, these are not the most urgent plumbing problems out there.

Urgent: Sewage Backup 

A sewage backup is one of those emergency plumbing situations often mistaken for a clogged drain or a simple problem. The reason is that symptoms of sewage backups include multiple clogged drains and bubbling toilets. Some bad-smelling water may come up through the drains, making the homeowner think that the drain is just clogged.
Homeowners that come across one or more of these symptoms should call a professional plumber for help immediately. A sewage backup is a serious emergency that could lead to contaminated water and health issues for anyone in the household. Of course, professional plumbing companies are always happy to answer any questions homeowners may have about their plumbing issues, big or small.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has been happy to serve Round Rock, TX for years. Their technicians are expertly trained, clean, and courteous. They are proud to offer up-front pricing and a satisfaction guarantee on any work they do. Call now for expert plumbing service!

Why Whole Home Water Filtration Is So Important

chemicals, minerals, and microorganisms. And it can be difficult – or downright impossible – to detect some of the most harmful substances that can contaminate water. Read on to find out how every home can benefit from a water filtration system.

Filtered Water Tastes and Smells Better

One benefit of filtered water is that it holds nothing to give it a strange flavor or funky odor. Some people may have had the unfortunate experience of filling a glass from the tap and taking a sip of salty or metallic-tasting water or taking a shower and being overwhelmed by a foul odor of mildew or rotten eggs. Fortunately, in most cases, it’s not quite so extreme. But even a faint taste or smell of something strange in the tap water is enough to kill someone’s thirst. Usually, the presence of minerals or bacteria is responsible for the unpleasantness. A quality filtration system can remove these pollutants and make the water fresh, crisp, and deliciously clean.

Get Rid of Chlorine and Lead

Not all pollutants have much of an impact on the taste or smell of water, but they can still be harmful if ingested or if they come in contact with skin. Chlorine or other disinfectants are often added to a municipal water supply to make it safe for drinking. While it is safe to ingest in low concentrations (4 milligrams per liter is the maximum), chlorine can mildly affect the flavor and smell of water, dry out skin and hair, or even cause irritation. Lead is an even more dangerous contaminant, especially because it’s odorless, flavorless, and invisible to the naked eye. Due to its serious health risks, not even the tiniest concentration of lead is considered safe to drink. The metal most often winds up in a water supply due to outdated plumbing fixtures and pipes, but other circumstances can cause contamination.

Guard Against Harmful Bacteria and Other Pollutants

Residential water supplies may contain other contaminants from various sources. Pesticides and hazardous waste can be carried by runoff water and end up in a water supply. Harmful chemicals can make their way into groundwater and pollute community wells. Certain parasites, viruses, and bacteria can survive the best efforts of water treatment facilities. Utility companies and water systems operators do their best to protect water supplies and perform frequent tests to ensure all municipal water is safe. But they can’t always catch everything, and there’s always a risk of an unexpected contamination event. A quality water filtration system is a home’s last line of defense and makes for a safer, happier household.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has served the Round Rock, TX community with pride since 2009. As a family-owned and award-winning local business, they put safety and service above all else and always provide honest, up-front pricing and personalized solutions. They also provide financing, membership perks, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call now for water filtration service!

How Local Plumbers Can Help You Conserve Water This Earth Day

Waste Less Water With These Professional Plumbing Services!

Water conservation efforts seem to ramp up around Earth Day every year. But many conscientious homeowners aim to waste less water all year round. The thing about water conservation is that every little bit helps. And it all adds up quickly. Stopping a slow but steady faucet leak can save hundreds of gallons of water per year. And, as many homeowners know, saving water means saving money on the water bill. This is why homeowners should consider the following plumbing services to help them save more water – and more money!

General Plumbing Inspections

A home’s plumbing system is just like any other system; it requires some upkeep to keep it healthy and functioning properly. Unfortunately, many homeowners overlook the plumbing system until something goes wrong. By that time, it’s too late to be proactive. The only option is reactive, and that usually means that the bank account is about to take a serious hit.
This is why general plumbing inspections are essential. When done once or twice a year, they can ensure that a home’s plumbing system is well-functioning. Professional plumbers can also spot potential problem areas and alert the homeowner as to their options. Taking action early on plumbing problems means saving money and preventing a massive headache.

Leak Detection and Leak Repair

One of the most critical services local plumbers offer is leak detection and repair. Since the vast majority of the plumbing system is out of sight, it can be hard to determine where a leak is— or even if the system leaks at all. Most of the time, homeowners are alerted to a leak by a spike in the water bill, a wet spot on the floor, wall, or ceiling, and low water pressure. And while a wet spot can give an estimated area of the leak, it still requires special equipment to determine the extent of the damage.
This is why leak detection needs specialized sound equipment, often in conjunction with small cameras inserted into the pipes to look at the leak. Once a plumber knows where the leak is and how bad it is, he or she can go about fixing it.

Toilet Upgrades and Repairs

Even if there’s nothing wrong with a toilet, it can still be wasting water. Modern toilets use significantly less water than older toilets. So, those homes with old toilets could be flushing money down the drain every time the toilet gets used. Luckily, toilet upgrades are quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive. Modern low-water toilets are extremely effective and only use an average of 1.28 gallons per flush compared to the average of 3.5 gallons on older toilets.
Those homeowners with faulty toilets can also save a lot of money with a simple toilet repair. Often the issue with toilets means that water is being wasted. This is usually because of a faulty flapper causing a leak that flows down the toilet drain. A local plumber can fix this issue in no time, saving the homeowner money by preventing water waste.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has been serving Round Rock, TX with pride for years. They offer up-front pricing, and their techs always perform excellent workmanship. They also offer satisfaction guarantees on every job they do. Contact them today for plumbing services.

How To Respond To Wintery Weather Surprises

Handling the Damage From Frozen Pipes & Winter Plumbing Problems

Unexpected storms happen. When winter arrives and blows cold and snow across the landscape, the home and its occupants can suffer. Frigid temperatures can freeze the pipes of a home, bringing the plumbing function of the house to a standstill. When cold temperatures and icy weather arrive, it’s essential to protect the home from its grasp and to address any pipe problems when they spring up. Frozen and burst pipes are common problems that arise from cold weather.

Here is how to solve and prevent these winter-time troubles and keep the home’s plumbing running during winter’s chill.

Frozen Pipes: The Dangers and How To Resolve

Frozen pipes are a serious threat. When pipes freeze, the function of essential plumbing will cease. Water may not run from faucets, and pipes may not drain sewage and contaminated water, leading to a dangerous water-flow situation. No less dangerous is the risk of pipe bursts typically caused by the built-up pressure frozen pipes produce.

Time, patience, and some everyday home items are the answer to thawing pipes in a home. Before proceeding with thawing, homeowners should locate the frozen pipe by finding out where water won’t flow. Typically, a sink or a shower may only trickle or not run water when a pipe nearby is frozen. Then, they should find any pipes that are sweating excessive water or have frosted over externally. Once located, homeowners should turn off the water supply to the suspected pipe and select the tools for thawing.

Homeowners should never use an open flame or torch on a frozen pipe. Instead, they can use a space heater, a hairdryer, or hot towels and apply the heat sources liberally to the frozen pipe. They shouldn’t put a space heater under any cabinets or condensed spaces and instead use it to warm up the room. Homeowners can turn the temperature up in the home to help spur on thawing. After that, it may take hours for a pipe to defrost completely.

Burst Pipes: Signs and Solutions

Frozen pipes can lead to burst pipes when left unchecked. The signs of burst pipes include low or no water pressure, wet walls or water damage, discolored walls, and increased water bills. Flooding occurs when burst pipes have completely broken. Signs of a burst pipe warrant a call to an emergency plumber, as burst pipes can rack up expensive repair bills, electrical damage, property damage, and puts the safety of a home’s occupants at serious risk of harm.

Burst pipes should be fixed by a plumbing professional. Getting into walls can be dangerous thanks to the presence of live electrical wires, drywall, insulation, and other hazardous materials. Burst pipes are usually fixed by soldering pipes back together, or with pipework replacement.

Homeowners can help prep for burst pipe repairs by shutting the water off in the home when a burst is suspected. If water has leaked into a room, clean it up and remove all belongings and furniture from the room before the plumber arrives.

Preventing Winter Pipe Problems

Homeowners can take steps to protect their homes from winter pipe troubles. A local plumbing expert can examine a home and give advice on the best ways for homeowners to winterize their plumbing, but there are a few simple solutions every homeowner should apply.

Insulating pipework is essential to protecting a home’s pipe. Exposed pipes are more likely to freeze and burst. They can be protected using foam plumbing insulation. Homeowners can also run a trickle of water from their sink faucets and bath faucets to keep water running through the lines, which may increase the water bill, but will help prevent expensive plumbing repairs from frozen or burst pipes.

Additionally, external faucets and water hoses should be drained, disconnected when possible, and shut-off before the cold weather arrives. Taking steps to prevent and solve winter pipe problems can help make the winter months a little easier for homeowners.

American Eagle Plumbing Is Ready To Help!

Plumbing problems can be stressful. That’s why American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. arrives at every job fully stocked and ready to take care of their projects with a fast, effective turnaround. Their highly-trained technicians are ready to take on plumbing emergencies and day-to-day maintenance. Upfront prices, unparalleled customer service, and 100% satisfaction guarantees are just some of the services clients expect when working with American Eagle Plumbing. Call now for burst pipe repair service in Round Rock!

Plumbing in the Presidential Mansion

Fun Facts About Plumbing in the White House

When the White House\’s construction was completed in 1800, it was with the current building technology available to its crews and architects. This means it went without lavish decorations, fountains, media rooms, and all the modern amenities that people enjoy today. Among the amenities added to the White House over the years, plumbing is one of the crucial ones.
This President\’s Day, homeowners should take a moment to appreciate how far technology has come by learning a little bit about the plumbing in the White House, shared by local Round Rock plumbers.

The First Running Water

The White House’s first occupant was President John Adams, but it wasn’t until years later, when John Quincy Adams became president, that plumbing would be installed. In the late 1820s, few homes had water that ran indoors. Most water was kept in reservoirs or drawn from well pumps. When President John Quincy Adams had plumbing installed on the White House grounds, it wasn\’t even to provide water to the White House occupants; it was to irrigate his gardens around the President\’s Quarters.
After him, President Andrew Jackson had the water piped indoors. He purchased a local spring and used hollowed-out logs for piping instead of the more expensive iron pipes. Water was filtered through sand and pumped into the plumbing system to pressure the indoor plumbing fixtures.

The First Flush Toilets

It\’s hard to imagine the US leaders handling their “presidential business” out on the White House Lawn, but until plumbing and sewer service entered the premises, there were few options. Privies and chamber pots were the tools of choice in the early 1800s. It wasn’t until President Millard Fillmore in 1853 that the White House got flush toilets. The sewer service was designed as a septic system that stayed in service until it was updated by President Chester Arthur 30 years later.

The toilet’s installation was predated by the creation of \”bathing rooms\” by about 20 years. The bathing rooms were luxurious at the time since they featured running water. But they were only on the first floor since no plumbing existed that could supply water above the second floor.

More Fun Facts

  • While bathing in a tub was common in the early 1800s, John Quincy Adams preferred to dip in the Potomac every morning, weather permitting. On more than one occasion, someone made off with his clothes, and he was stuck naked until he could send someone to fetch more.
  • President William Howard Taft was too big to fit in a standard tub, so he commissioned a gargantuan tub. Pictures exist of four men seated comfortably in the tub.
  • President Harry Truman ordered a total gut and rebuild of the White House because the 150-year-old structure was so dilapidated that his bathtub was sinking into the floor.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. is a family-owned and operated plumbing contractor serving Round Rock, TX. Their certified plumbers keep their trucks stocked for quick turnaround times. Flat-rate pricing keeps their customers safe from unexpected costs. Call now for plumbing services!

This Is the Year To Give Your Bathroom an Update

Bathroom Remodel To Ring in the New Year

After a while, the same old bathroom starts to be an eyesore. Fixtures discolor due to hard water minerals, and paint fades. Maybe a tile pops loose, or a faucet starts to drip. No matter the circumstance, it’s time for a bathroom update.
A remodeled bathroom gives the homeowner peace of mind and adds value to the home. By updating the sink, toilet, shower, or tub, the bathroom is being brought up to par with the time. In this article, plumbing experts cover three main areas homeowners should focus on to make the most of a bathroom remodeling project.

Upgraded Sinks Make a Big Difference

There are a variety of sinks now available on the market. Most bathroom sinks sit on top of a vanity. A vanity is the lower cabinet usually accommodated with drawers, doors, and other storage space. For small bathrooms, pedestal sinks help save room by only having a single column or pedestal that the sink sets on. The drain and water lines are normally hidden behind the pedestal for a clean finish.
Stand-alone sinks are also available, providing complete clearance under the sink. These mount directly to the wall. A major disadvantage to the latter two, although homeowners save space, they lose storage. A stand-alone sink also leaves most plumbing exposed.
Additionally, homeowners can install more than one sink in a bathroom as well. Two sinks are common in master bathrooms, known as “his” and “her” sinks. This is sure to not only give homeowners a more luxurious feel but also added functionality.

Add Toilet Features

When a homeowner chooses a different toilet for a bathroom remodel, they now have more features to decide from.
Some added perks homeowners can look for include:

  • Heated seats
  • Dual flushing modes
  • Bidets
  • Self-flushing sensors

There will always be the standard toilets available coming in standard heights and efficiencies. However, by adding a more modern commode, homeowners can add value and comfort to their bathroom more easily than ever.

Don’t Forget Showers and Tubs

When choosing a new shower or tub, the possibilities are endless. From standard tubs to garden tubs and corner showers to custom tile showers, the sky’s the limit. There are even some showers that feature seating for the disabled. When a homeowner chooses what works best for their new shower or tub, the location of where it goes is key.

The more room homeowners have to work with, the better, but a slim-designed corner shower can fit almost any bathroom, even in tight quarters. If space isn’t a factor, custom tile showers can be exquisite. This also gives a homeowner complete control over the design and features. They can choose the overall size, benches, recessed storage areas, and shower heads. A professional can help design and build the perfect shower for any homeowners’ bathroom remodel.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing is family owned and operated. They pride themselves on safety above all and offer quick turnaround times from experienced and certified plumbers. Contact them today to learn more about bathroom remodeling in Round Rock, TX.