How To Respond To Wintery Weather Surprises

Handling the Damage From Frozen Pipes & Winter Plumbing Problems

Unexpected storms happen. When winter arrives and blows cold and snow across the landscape, the home and its occupants can suffer. Frigid temperatures can freeze the pipes of a home, bringing the plumbing function of the house to a standstill. When cold temperatures and icy weather arrive, it’s essential to protect the home from its grasp and to address any pipe problems when they spring up. Frozen and burst pipes are common problems that arise from cold weather.

Here is how to solve and prevent these winter-time troubles and keep the home’s plumbing running during winter’s chill.

Frozen Pipes: The Dangers and How To Resolve

Frozen pipes are a serious threat. When pipes freeze, the function of essential plumbing will cease. Water may not run from faucets, and pipes may not drain sewage and contaminated water, leading to a dangerous water-flow situation. No less dangerous is the risk of pipe bursts typically caused by the built-up pressure frozen pipes produce.

Time, patience, and some everyday home items are the answer to thawing pipes in a home. Before proceeding with thawing, homeowners should locate the frozen pipe by finding out where water won’t flow. Typically, a sink or a shower may only trickle or not run water when a pipe nearby is frozen. Then, they should find any pipes that are sweating excessive water or have frosted over externally. Once located, homeowners should turn off the water supply to the suspected pipe and select the tools for thawing.

Homeowners should never use an open flame or torch on a frozen pipe. Instead, they can use a space heater, a hairdryer, or hot towels and apply the heat sources liberally to the frozen pipe. They shouldn’t put a space heater under any cabinets or condensed spaces and instead use it to warm up the room. Homeowners can turn the temperature up in the home to help spur on thawing. After that, it may take hours for a pipe to defrost completely.

Burst Pipes: Signs and Solutions

Frozen pipes can lead to burst pipes when left unchecked. The signs of burst pipes include low or no water pressure, wet walls or water damage, discolored walls, and increased water bills. Flooding occurs when burst pipes have completely broken. Signs of a burst pipe warrant a call to an emergency plumber, as burst pipes can rack up expensive repair bills, electrical damage, property damage, and puts the safety of a home’s occupants at serious risk of harm.

Burst pipes should be fixed by a plumbing professional. Getting into walls can be dangerous thanks to the presence of live electrical wires, drywall, insulation, and other hazardous materials. Burst pipes are usually fixed by soldering pipes back together, or with pipework replacement.

Homeowners can help prep for burst pipe repairs by shutting the water off in the home when a burst is suspected. If water has leaked into a room, clean it up and remove all belongings and furniture from the room before the plumber arrives.

Preventing Winter Pipe Problems

Homeowners can take steps to protect their homes from winter pipe troubles. A local plumbing expert can examine a home and give advice on the best ways for homeowners to winterize their plumbing, but there are a few simple solutions every homeowner should apply.

Insulating pipework is essential to protecting a home’s pipe. Exposed pipes are more likely to freeze and burst. They can be protected using foam plumbing insulation. Homeowners can also run a trickle of water from their sink faucets and bath faucets to keep water running through the lines, which may increase the water bill, but will help prevent expensive plumbing repairs from frozen or burst pipes.

Additionally, external faucets and water hoses should be drained, disconnected when possible, and shut-off before the cold weather arrives. Taking steps to prevent and solve winter pipe problems can help make the winter months a little easier for homeowners.

American Eagle Plumbing Is Ready To Help!

Plumbing problems can be stressful. That’s why American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. arrives at every job fully stocked and ready to take care of their projects with a fast, effective turnaround. Their highly-trained technicians are ready to take on plumbing emergencies and day-to-day maintenance. Upfront prices, unparalleled customer service, and 100% satisfaction guarantees are just some of the services clients expect when working with American Eagle Plumbing. Call now for burst pipe repair service in Round Rock!