The Top 3 Signs Your Home Needs a Water Softener

Do You Have Hard Water?

A home’s water is the lifeblood of the home. The water that people drink, bathe in, and cook with can decide the health of those in the home. But even if the water in the home isn’t dangerous to drink, bathe in, or cook with, it can still have some detrimental effects on the home. This is the case with hard water. This kind of water is rich in minerals – usually calcium and magnesium.

And although it’s impossible to look at the water itself and tell whether it’s hard or soft, there are many ways homeowners can tell if they have hard water in the home.

Visible Proof

Although homeowners can’t look at the water itself to tell if it’s hard or not, they can look at where the water has been. Hard water leaves behind visible proof that’s usually easy to see. This is because some of the minerals are often left behind when the water dries. So one sure sign that a home has hard water is the white, chalky deposits left behind on faucets and in sinks.

Hard water also has difficulty dissolving soap and shampoo. The result is that soap scum is an issue in tubs and showers. The quicker soap scum builds up, the more minerals are likely in the water. This same issue causes the dishes to dry with white spots on them. Plus, doing laundry with hard water makes it difficult to get the clothes truly clean, meaning they often come out of the wash looking dingy and dirty.

Hard Water Feels Different

Hard water doesn’t only affect dishes, basins, and clothes. It also affects skin and hair. After showing in hard water, people often feel as if they haven’t been able to get their soap and shampoo fully rinsed away.

The high mineral content in the water can also leave the skin feeling dry and itchy. The hair also suffers, often losing its luster and looking lifeless.

How Hard Water Effects Pipes

While hard water doesn’t pose any health risks to those who drink it or bathe in it, there’s no doubt that it can negatively affect the health of the plumbing system. As homeowners may suspect, hard water can cause mineral buildup in pipes. Unfortunately, these buildups can have a detrimental effect on the plumbing system, causing low water pressure and clogs. The only way to fix these mineral buildups is to replace the pipes, which can be quite expensive.

Homeowners that suspect they have hard water should talk to a professional plumber about installing a water softener in their house. These softeners can save appliances, pipes, and skin, preventing expensive issues in the future.

About American Eagle Plumbing

American Eagle Plumbing, Inc. has served Round Rock, TX, since 2009. They offer fast turnarounds and expert workmanship. They also provide flat-rate pricing and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call today for water softener installation!