Why Using a Bidet Is a Better Choice for Your Bathroom Needs

Breaking the Restroom Taboo

While most of the countries around the globe are widely using a bidet for better bathroom hygiene and to reduce their impact on the environment; the people here in the US are still a bit reluctant to give it a try.

It’s quite natural to be hesitant to try something new, especially in the bathroom. But discussing one’s bathroom needs shouldn’t be considered taboo. Everyone goes in and everyone wants to feel clean afterward.

But did you know anyone who has used a bidet, just loves it and cannot imagine going back to the old toilet paper method? That’s just because the bidet seat takes freshening up to the next level. Yeah! These bottom-washing toilet fixtures are amazing at giving you a refreshing feeling after using the bathroom.

What Do You Need to Know About Bidet Seats?

The bidets are an alternative to traditional toilet paper and help to keep you wash your undercarriage in the bathroom without a hassle. These are also ideal for people with mobility issues. So, if you’re looking for a comfortable addition to your bathroom it’s a must to have on the list.
Some bidet fits on your existing toilet while others come as a standalone porcelain fixture that you straddle. It either sprays water from the front toward the back and the other sprays from the bottom straight up.

Modern bidets also come with useful luxurious features like heated seats, warm air dry, auto opening and closing of the seat, MP3 player capability, auto-flush, and self-cleaning systems.

If you’re having issues with rough paper and you’re already experiencing episodes of rashes, rough irritation, and discomfort; it’s the time to forgo toilet paper. There are a few good reasons to own a bidet and let one’s nether to be fully cleansed by a refreshing bidet:

Greatly Reduce the Impact You Have on the Environment

Did you know around 16 million trees are sacrificed every year on toilet tissues by Americans? Yeah, it reckons to be $6 billion per year. As the bidet significantly reduces the required amount of toilet paper in your household uses, it is pretty much beneficial to the environment and the planet.

Even if you don’t like the feeling of being wet, you can use toilet paper to dry off but you’ll only use a fraction of the amount needed if you do not use a bidet.

Toilet paper manufacturing involves the bleaching process which is very damaging to the people and the environment. Dioxin, the by-product of bleaching is known to be a substance causing cancer in both humans and animals. So, with above in view, one can easily conclude that the bidet is by far a more environment-friendly choice.

Better Personal Hygiene and Cleaning

Did you ever felt like soaking the toilet paper before wiping the undercarriage? Yes, that’s because the soaked tissue rinses away the grime leaving you feeling clean and refreshed. In contrast, a dry toilet paper leaves you unclean, and some residue usually remains on your skin.

The roughness caused due to the dry toilet paper is not a comfortable thing to confront. The warm water from the bidet will be soothing, especially if you have skin irritation. So, adjust the temperature and intensity of the water stream from the bidet and enjoy the refreshing sensation.

So, without a doubt, water gives you the best wipe and the bidet helps to rinse away and repel grime and bacteria. Hence, the reason why the bidet is very popular in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East is that it cleanses away your skin giving you a soothing feeling which is otherwise impossible to get with a dry toilet paper.

Save Money and Reduce Household Waste

Mercifully, gone are the days when installing a bidet was a major effort and was hefty on your bank accounts. Now the bidets are super affordable and they eliminate the need to buy toilet paper, which is even more expensive in the long run. Bidets are no longer only for the rich and privileged.

So, anyone with a toilet, running water, and a few dollars to spare can enjoy the refreshing feeling of a bidet with minimal effort. You’ll be amazed to know that most of the affordable bidets are incredibly easy to install. You don’t need to replace your entire toilet or it doesn’t involve an entire redo of your plumbing network.

In the case of some models, it’s just a matter of a few hours to let you enjoy the stream of freshness. Anyhow, in addition to being eco-friendly, a bidet can also help you save a few bucks. As it eliminates the need for toilet paper so all that money which you were spending on toilet paper purchase will be saved.

It will reduce your household waste because there’s less packaging to dispose of when you buy less toilet paper. So, there are positives everywhere from the environment to your health and the ease of use.

Reduced Clogged Drains and Plumbing Problems

Clogged sewer pipe is one of the most common annoyances faced by homeowners and in most cases, the culprit is the toilet paper that goes through the sewer pipes. Calling plumber for clogged drains and sewers is least desired due to the cost and hassle you’ll face. So, to reduce the issues of clogged drains, get rid of these troublesome toilet papers. The bidet will surely help to reduce the risk of having these issues and even eliminate them.

In a Nutshell

The use of bidet is on the rise now all over the world and now that you’ve gone through all the pros of having a bidet in your bathroom, why would you still choose to use toilet paper? There’s no reason to cling to your obsession with cleanliness which is vital after using the toilet. After all, you don’t want to put yourself in trouble of having those messy feelings down there.

So, bypass the cultural norms and embrace the refreshed feeling of soothing water wash. Get rid of the need to wipe yourself up with dry paper like a common peasant.

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